Haruharu WONDER - Ultra Fit Facial Pads
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Smoothes out sensitive skin.
Tip1: Calming Patch: Soak pad with Black Rice Hyaluronic Toner. Place pad on irritated area to calm down your sensitive skin.
Tip2: Ultra-Moisturizing Patch: Soak Pad with Black Rice Hyaluronic Essence. Place the pad on dehydrated, flaky area for 5-10 mins to give boost of hydration deep into your skin.
Tip3: Water-oil Balance Control: Soak pad with Black Rice Hyaluronic Toner (or Serum or Cream) and blend with Black Rice Facial Oil. Place pad on skin to deliver nourishment, to prevent water loss and to balance out your skin.
Pulp mixed with Rayon
Origin: South Korea
Haruharu is a lifestyle skincare brand with a focus on natural ingredients and functional skincare products that are simple, quick and effective. Designed and formulated to fit into our daily routines, Haruharu Wonder uses fermented superfoods and their patented Ultra Deep Technology to deliver skin benefits deep within your skin.